How to Find Trading Opportunities using Divergence Analysis
When used effectively, divergence analysis can be a powerful tool within your trading arsenal and can help spot potential changes of trend early.
When used effectively, divergence analysis can be a powerful tool within your trading arsenal and can help spot potential changes of trend early.
The movement in price of any given asset is never random. Sometimes, these changes in price can be explained by correlations, where an asset interrelates with another, or a broader economic theme.
The world of trading is filled with jargon, but what does it actually mean? In this article, we take a look at some key phrases and their definitions.
Bullish and bearish are among the most common terms you will hear when following financial markets. What do they mean?
This blog explains what market liquidity is and how to use it when trading online.
Lagging and leading indicators can help you identify market trends and give you valuable insight for your trades. We look at how these and other indicators work in technical analysis.
How the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) in trading involves entering a trade simply because everyone is doing the same. FOMO is a real emotion and can drive irrational trading decisions.